Accommodation/Tenancy | Evergreen Care

Accommodation/Tenancy | Evergreen Care

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Our support services are aimed at assisting individuals in obtaining and maintaining suitable Accommodation/Tenancy. This may involve guiding or prompting participants in their search for rental tenancies or helping them fulfill their tenancy obligations. Our goal is to provide the necessary assistance to ensure that participants can secure and maintain a safe and comfortable living space.

To live up to our goal, we provide services like:

  • Assistance with Rent and Tenancy Support: NDIS participants can access financial assistance and support to help cover rent and related expenses, ensuring they can maintain stable housing.
  • Tenancy Support: Participants can receive support with tenancy-related tasks too, such as understanding lease agreements, paying bills, and addressing maintenance issues in their accommodation.
  • Transition Support: transitioning can be rather a tough phase. However, the participants transitioning from residential care or other settings to live independently can access our transition support services to ensure a smooth transition and adjustment to new accommodation
  • Specialized Housing: For participants with specific disabilities or support needs, specialized housing options can be accessed. This could include group homes, supported independent living, or other disability-specific housing solutions
  • Respite and Short-Term Accommodations: This can involve short-term accommodation options to provide temporary relief to the participants and their caregivers or family members.
  • Shared Living Arrangements: this involves support with shared living arrangements where the participants share accommodations with others, often with support staff available to provide assistance as needed.
  • Assistive Technology in Housing: This can involve assistive technology within the accommodation, such as adaptive lighting, smart home systems, or communication aids, to enhance independence and safety.
  • Advocacy: Furthermore, we can also act as participants’ advocates to help them navigate the housing market, resolve disputes with landlords or property managers, ensure their rights are upheld, etc.
  • Quality Assurance: We can ensure that NDIS accommodation/tenancy services are subject to quality assurance and compliance standards to ensure that participants receive safe and suitable housing solutions.

Overall, NDIS Accommodation/Tenancy services are an essential part of the broader NDIS framework. With this, NDIS aims to support individuals with disabilities in achieving their housing-related goals, fostering independence, and enhancing their overall quality of life.
As a registered NDIS service provider, we ensure that participants’ needs are taken care of properly by initialing the process with a thorough assessment of the participants’ housing requirements, taking into account their disability, support needs, and personal goals. This assessment helps inform the development of a personalized plan.
Just like NDIS, we place a strong emphasis on giving the participant choice and control over their living arrangements. We encourage our clients to express their housing preferences, including the type of accommodation and location to make sure they get the best out of everything.