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Our services also offer adapted vehicle rental options.

Our ASSIST-TRAVE/TRANSPORT services are highly individualized as they are designed around participant’s travel needs. Some key services we offer are:

  • Assistance with Travel Planning: This can involve assistance with travel planning, helping participants plan their journeys, book accessible transport options, and coordinate travel arrangements to ensure they can access necessary services and activities.
  • Access to Accessible Vehicles: This can involve accessible vehicles support that accommodates individuals with mobility challenges, including wheelchair-accessible vans and other modified vehicles
  • Support Workers for Travel: This can involve support through professional and skilled NDIS-funded support workers to help participants requiring special assistance during travel as boarding and disembarking from vehicles or managing medical equipment.
  • Travel Training: The participants can also get travel training to help them build the skills and confidence needed to travel independently on public transportation or with minimal assistance.
    Assistive Technology: This can involve Assistive technology related to travel for instance communication devices or navigation aids.