NDIS Core Services | Evergreen Care Services

NDIS core services

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NDIS Core Services

Our NDIS Core Services are tailored to the specific needs of each individual client.


Our services involve supporting and overseeing the daily personal tasks of individuals, with the goal of promoting independence and autonomy. This includes the provision of personal care and safety products such as specialized clothing, beds and pressure mattresses, toilet and bathroom equipment, and continence aids.​


Our interpretation and translation services are designed to support individuals in effectively communicating during important personal, social, or community activities where mainstream translation services are not available. Our aim is to ensure that participants can confidently and independently engage in these activities with ease.​


Our support services are aimed at assisting individuals in obtaining and maintaining suitable accommodation. This may involve guiding or prompting participants in their search for rental tenancies or helping them fulfill their tenancy obligations. Our goal is to provide the necessary assistance to ensure that participants can secure and maintain a safe and comfortable living space.


Our services include performing essential household and yard tasks that participants are unable to do on their own. These may include tasks such as meal preparation and delivery, house or yard maintenance, cleaning, and linen services. Our goal is to assist participants in managing their home environment and to ensure their living space is safe, comfortable and well-maintained.


Our NDIS core services also offer adapted vehicle rental options.